Portable and Hand-Held Obstetric Dopplers
A Variety of Solutions
Nicolet Dopplers offer unmatched accuracy and reliability in fetal heartbeat detection and are the first choice of most OB/GYNs. Most of our Dopplers offer interchangeable obstetric probes: 2 MHz for larger women or later in pregnancy, 3 MHz as a general purpose probe and a 2 MHz waterproof probe for underwater labor and delivery. Most units also offer vascular probes for monitoring blood flow.
Elite® – The versatile solution
Broad-beam technology and a large probe face provide a unique method of quickly locating the fatal heartbeat – no need to angle the probe! Exclusive SSD™ technology ensures the best possible sound. Optional recharger and digital display. Waterproof 2 MHz and vascular probes are also available.

Pocket-Dop II™ – Flexible and reliable1
The worldwide favourite Doppler. Full-featured system with built-in speaker to amplify foetal heartbeat. Complete with all accessories: Headset, rechargeable batteries, recharger, carrying case and audio CD. Waterproof 2 MHz probe and vascular probes are also available.

Pocket-Dop 3™ – Versatile fetal heartbeat detection2
The Pocket-Dop 3 is a valuable aid in detecting pregnancy and monitoring the fetal heartbeat. The built-in speaker amplifies fetal heart sounds to reassure the expectant mother. The Pocket-Dop 3 features interchangeable probes: the 3 MHz probe is for early fetal heartbeat detection and the 2 MHz probe for use in later pregnancy or with larger patients.
The small “footprint” of these probes enables them to be easily angled down behind the pubic bone for optimum detection of early fetal heartbeats.

VersaLab® APM/APM2 – Portable and affordable
A portable, economical ante partum monitor (VersaLab APM or APM2 for twins) for performing non-stress tests. It is a small lightweight (4.1 lbs) APM system featuring an integrated printer. Both monitors can be battery or line operated. Set up is simple with special strip belts, color-coded connectors and easy-load paper.

FreeDop™ – Revolutionary cordless Doppler
Total freedom of movement! Perfect in the operating/delivery room. One-hand operation – controls are on the probe. Unit stays outside the sterile field. Digital readout with auto-correlation.
Recharging stand mounts on a counter, wall, IV pole or roll-stand. Vascular probes are also available.

IMEXDOP CT+™ – The hospital Doppler of choice
A Sturdy portable system with easy-to-use controls. Includes digital readout with autocorrelation. Recharging stand mounts on a counter, wall, IV pole or roll-stand. It’s perfect for semi-permanent mounting in any exam room. Waterproof 2 MHz probe and vascular probes are also available.